Amarin Book Center
The Brother Hood of Kaeng Khoi
The Brother Hood of Kaeng Khoi
作者:Uthis Haemamool
出版社:Amarin Book Center
泰國作家Uthis Haemamool的第三部作品,在2009年,Uthis Haemamool憑此作品得到Seven Award與 Southeast Asian Writers Award (Seven Award是泰國零售連鎖店集團所頒授的文學獎)。The Brotherhood of Kaeng Khoi書寫的,是身份﹑自我﹑家庭內在張力,故事亦與土地記憶有關。日本國際交流基金會亞洲中心(Japan Foundation Asia Center)曾訪問Uthis Haemamool,暢談其創作歷程,值得一讀(。
Southeast Asian Writers Award評審委員會的頒獎授辭曾這樣說:「The Brotherhood of Kaeng Khoi是有關人類存在複雜一面的創作。人類存在的複雜性,離不開其出生地﹑族群﹑社群﹑信仰﹑論述。The Brotherhood of Kaeng Khoi說故事的技巧微妙,語言簡而有力,為讀者建構了清晰而美麗的想像。」
Author and artist Uthis Haemamool, born in 1975, is a graduate of Silpakorn University’s faculty of painting, sculpture, and graphic arts. In addition to the S.E.A. Write Award-winning novel Lap Lae, Kaeng Khoi (The Brotherhood of Kaeng Khoi) he has produced a long list of other works, including four additional novels, three collections of short stories, and five collections of movie and literary criticism.